Buy Old Pot Roses (Colours: cream, multicolour, red, white | fragrant, no fragrance)

1 - 36 of 61 articles
Bobbie James
Rambler Rose
Bobbie James
Chevy Chase
Rambler Rose
Chevy Chase
City of York
Rambler Rose
City of York
Félicité et Perpétue
Francis E. Lester
Rambler Rose
Francis E. Lester
Henri Martin
Moss Rose
Henri Martin
Little White Pet
Rambler Rose
Mme. Plantier
Alba Rose
Mme. Plantier
Nuits de Young
Phyllis Bide
Climbing Rose
Phyllis Bide
Reine des Violettes
Remontant Rose
Reine des Violettes
Robin Hood
Musk Rose
Robin Hood
Rosa centifolia muscosa 'Rubra'
Rosa gallica 'Officinalis'
Rosa helenae
Rambler Rose
Rosa helenae
Rosa longicuspis syn mulliganii
Rosa lutea bicolor atropurpurea
Rosa moyesii
Wild Rose
Rosa moyesii
Rosa omeiensis pteracantha
Rosa pimpinellifolia
Bibernell Rose
Rosa pimpinellifolia
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Venusta Pendula
Rambler Rose
Venusta Pendula
Aimée Vibert
Noisette Rose
Aimée Vibert
Albéric Barbier
Rambler Rose
Albéric Barbier
Alexandre Girault
Rambler Rose
Alexandre Girault
Aurelia Liffa
Rambler Rose
Aurelia Liffa
Ayrshire Queen
Rambler Rose
Ayrshire Queen
Baron Girod de l'Ain
Remontant Rose
Baron Girod de l'Ain
Gallica Rose
Climbing Schneewittchen
Climbing Rose
Climbing Schneewittchen ®
Crimson Rambler
Rambler Rose
Crimson Rambler
Rambler Rose
1 - 36 of 61 articles