Planting of Container Roses
Get the plant with the ball of soil carefully out of the pot. Water the ball of soil and put it in the prepared planting hole. Put some garden earth on it and tramp it down. Don't cut anything off the roots!
The most common sales form is the bare root rose. Bare root means the young rose plant the way she is harvested in the fall. The branches are cut back so that the plant measures about 50 cm in length, including the root. After purchase, bare root roses should be watered for a couple of hours and then planted immediately. It is important that the point of grafting remains approximately 2 cm below the surface and that the plant is earthed up well (see enclosed planting instructions). This is also of greatest importance during springtime planting, to make sure the roses are not drying up and are able to properly develop their roots.
(Symbolic image of a bare root Shrub Rose)Roses in an organic container are being delivered directly following the end of the planting season of the bare root plants in May. The organic container is biodegradable, is planted fully and decomposes in the soil. Roses in such an organic container can be planted any time during the summer because they are already growing inside the container, and with the season progressing, shoots, leaves and blossoms form. The organic container makes for a high growth guarantee during the summer months - the plant doesn't need to be earthed up.
(Symbolic image of a freshly potted Shrub Rose inside an organic container)Our 3- and 5-liter container roses that are already blossoming and showing further buds are being delivered throughout the entire summer starting in June, simultaneously with our organic-container roses. They can be planted in the backyard as well (without the pot), or stay inside the container for flexible positioning. When keeping the plant inside the container, the plant should be replanted in a bigger container on a yearly basis. Due to the larger pot volume, those containers are more appealing to the eye and are suitable for immediate, presentable cultivation or placement.
(Symbolic image of a Floribunda Rose in a 3-liter container)