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Buy Pot roses with rainproof blossoms (Colours: multicolour, orange, pink, red, white, yellow | fragrant, no fragrance, strong fragrant)

37 - 47 of 47 articles
Lady of Belgrad
Floribunda Rose
Lady of Belgrad ®
Marie Curie
Floribunda Rose
Marie Curie ®
Climbing Rose
Michka ®
Night Owl
Climbing Rose
Night Owl ®
Olympisches Feuer 92
Floribunda Rose
Olympisches Feuer 92 ®
Rosa roxburghii f. normalis
Floribunda Rose
Roselina ®
Rambler Rose
Rosenreigen ®
Schloß Ippenburg
Hybrid Tea
Schloß Ippenburg ®
Wedding Day
Rambler Rose
Wedding Day
Hybrid Tea
Wildberry ®
37 - 47 of 47 articles